Computers: C.A.T.

The students will learn essential computer concepts, office and management procedures, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office software programs designed to help you create documents, collaborate with co-workers, and track and analyze information; create Documents with Word 2010; Excel to learn how spreadsheet software helps you analyze data and business decisions. You will learn the purpose, advantages, and terminology database of Microsoft Access 2010, the relational database program in the Microsoft Office 2010 suite of software; PowerPoint 2010 which is powerful computer software program that enables you to create visually dynamic presentations. Integrating of Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint; managing information using Outlook.
Course Hours:
- Information Technology Assistant- Total 150 Hours
- Customer Care Representative- Total 150 Hours
- Customer Care Specialist- Total 150 Hours
Contact Information:
For additional information call (305) 649-9800 Ext. 2382. A counselor or an administrator may assist the client.