
The EKG/ECG course give students the essential knowledge to master the basic principles of electrocardiography. This course teaches cardiac anatomy and guides you through the principles of electrophysiology, ECG complexes recognition of arrhythmias and myocardial infarction’s. Detailed interactive animations simplify EKG concepts. We’ve integrated hundreds of actual and highly detailed EKG tracings into the problem-based exercises.
Course Hours:
The EKG class modules include:
- Anatomy: Basic anatomy including the heart, valves, blood vessels, conduction system
- Electrophysiology: depolarization and repolarization
- EKG complexes: P wave, PQ interval, QRS complex, ST segment, T wave, J point
- Leads and Electrodes: Definitions, electrical principles, lead placement
- Electrical axis of the heart: Variants, clinical relevance, determination of the electrical heart axis
- Determination of rate: determination of bradycardia, tachycardia, regular and irregular rhythm
- Bundle branch blocks: LBBB, RBBB, incomplete block, effect on heart axis, EKG criteria
- Premature complexes: premature atrial, junctional and ventricular complexes
- Ventricular complexes: ventricular escape complexes, run of PVC’s, sustained/non-sustained VT
- Rhythm analysis: Sinus rhythm, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, VT, VF, blacks
- Ischemia and infarction: Q waves, T wave, abnormalities, R progression, STT abnormalities
At the conclusion of the EKG course the participants will be able to:
- Discuss the cardiac anatomy essential for understanding the basic principles of EKG interpretation
- Discuss the difference between depolarization and repolarization
- List three EKG complexes
- List two common EKG abnormalities encountered in clinical practice using a standard 12-lead EKG tracing
Contact Information:
For additional information call (305) 649-9800 Ext. 2382. A counselor or an administrator may assist the client